‘Wonderfully Informative’ Webinar Addresses Burnout Concerns

The April 16 OR Today webinar “Nurses Eat Their Young … Because They Are Starving” was eligible for one (1) continuing education (CE) hour by the State of California Board of Registered Nursing.

This 60-minute webinar featured Michelle Lemmons, RN, BSN, PHN, Clinical Educator-OR at Key Surgical. Lemmons discussed the current and historical occurrence of health care burnout, suicide and depression, how the COVID-19 pandemic is highlighting these problems, regulatory bodies’ statements and interventions, and what health care organizations, managers and individuals can do to help decrease these statistics. Nurses eat their young because they are starving, let’s change the outlook together.

The webinar, which was sponsored by Key Surgical, attracted 188 attendees for the live presentation. A recording of the webinar has already been viewed by more individuals and is available here.

A post-webinar survey resulted in great feedback with many attendees praising the session.

“I found this presentation very interesting because myself being a newer nurse had to deal with the struggles of ‘being ate’ by older nurses who weren’t very friendly and did not have interest in showing or helping me learn. It was a sink-or-swim situation most days, so I do everything I can when I see a nursing student or new nurse to help and encourage them. It’s very important to build the confidence of a newer nurse,” shared S. Kidwell, RN.

“I thought the stats on depression and suicide were staggering! Thank you for bringing that to light,” said A. Gray, CST.

“This webinar was very helpful for learning how to communicate and understand burnout and stresses that seasoned nurses go through. As a new nurse, it was helpful to hear that some of the things I experienced as a brand new nurse are very real and happen often to new nurses,” said R. Kilby, RN.

“Content was very relevant to the OR. It can be a stressful learning situation being a new nurse in the OR. It’s a specialized area with a lot to learn. My OR has a high staff turnover, and rarely do you get new staff that have OR experience. It’s understandable that nurses get tired of training new staff constantly. I try to remember how overwhelming it can be starting a new position or how I felt straight out of school being a new nurse,” said Charge Nurse J. McDowell.

“This was so helpful to get insight into what it’s like for the people on the front lines, especially during COVID-19. Too often we hear stories of health care companies forgetting to put the people first. It was particularly timely for me to hear about how each nurse or tech can grow together and look out for one another in such trying times,” said T. Hazen, sales manager.

“It is nice to know that other people experience the same issues throughout the system. We are not alone and can help each other out,” said R. Morris, DCM supervisor.

“Wonderfully informative and spoke from experience and the heart,” said J. Zareminski, SPD technician.

“Speaker was very knowledgeable. A lot of great points addressed, especially related to the stress of COVID-19. Speaker’s experience is reflective of the discussion points, especially on bullying among healthcare workers,” shared I. Stranz, RN.

“Relevant information for clinical instructors who are to motivate students in clinical rotation sites. Bullying towards students causes some students to not want to explore the field of nursing. They constantly discourage students, making them feel that they are in the way, when they only want to learn and observe the health care professionals,” Department Coordinator Health Services D. Austin said.

“It was refreshing to listen to something with less emphasis on COVID-19 and more on human interaction! Delightful speaker,” Perioperative RN C. Evenson said.

“Different topic and very timely. Not specific to my area of practice, but COVID-19 burnout is prevalent even for me, in a different way as a consultant,” said P. Segal, president.

For more information about the OR Today webinar series, click on the Webinars tab above.



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