Exercise And Moving Through COVID-19

By Miguel J. Ortiz

As I write this article, the world is facing a novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and the majority of the population is in some type of self quarantine. Many people aren’t working or they are working from home. Only “essential” businesses are open are functioning. The virus is a stressor for many and has triggered other stressors including a concern for one’s finances.

I want to bring hope and address some opportunities that we can all take advantage of in these difficult times. We are all out of a gym. Your dedication and commitment to exercise has never been this challenged. Being secluded to the inside of your home isn’t the most ideal situation for a lot of people. So, here are three tips along with some things to consider when exercising at home.

First, find a healthy place within your home to exercise. It be the living room, garage, office or a guest bedroom. Creating a dedicated space is ideal. The reason this is important is because it mimics the behavior of actually going to a gym. Exercise can be a big stress reliever for people or simply a way to get away and crush a good workout. It is difficult when you literally can’t get away because you’re working out in the same place where you are spending your self quarantine. This can create more stress. That is why it’s important to create an area of your home dedicated to exercise and movement.

Second, what equipment do you have available? This one can make or break your goals, but only if you let it. Stay positive. Just because you don’t have the specific equipment you want, doesn’t mean your goals are all of a sudden out of reach. There are plenty of ways to adjust acute variables so that when you’re finally able to get back to the gym or outside training you don’t feel so far behind. If you are training to run a marathon and can’t leave the house, then yes, you’ll need to adjust certain strength and endurance movements so that they A) don’t become to tedious (mental strength) and B) are sustainable and appropriate in supporting your goal. You can definitely still take steps forward even though you will need to make some serious adjustments.

Third, create a plan and stick to in. When you’re constantly at home, it’s easy to relax and not want to exercise. However, the plan must be executed. Maybe you don’t complete a full workout or didn’t give it your all – the most important thing you did was keep moving. After some consistency, your body will begin to adjust as you get acclimated to your new in-home routine. If further changes need to be made, or you finally figured out a cool way to lift the couch, then adjust accordingly. But until then continue to move, stick with your plan and be the best motivator you have ever been for yourself.

Miguel J. Ortiz is a personal trainer in Atlanta, Georgia. He is a member of the National Personal Trainer Institute and a Certified Nutritional Consultant with more than a decade of professional experience. He can be found on Instagram at @migueljortiz.



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