Encompass Offers Patient Warming Solutions for the Entire Perioperative Journey

Encompass Group’s Thermoflect® and Nova® deliver comprehensive patient warming

Encompass now offers passive and active warming solutions that follow patients throughout the perioperative journey. “Start warm. Stay warm, that’s our goal for every patient’s surgical journey,” says Michelle Daniels, Vice President of Strategy and Development, Encompass Group.

Years ago, Encompass introduced Thermoflect, a revolutionary passive warming concept that used a unique heat reflective technology to capture a patient’s own body heat to reduce heat loss. And now, Encompass has paired an innovative new carbon veil active warming technology with Thermoflect’s proven passive warming to create the Nova® Active Warming System.

Multiple studies have shown that keeping patients normothermic during the perioperative journey helps improve outcomes by decreasing infection risks along with other complications. Combining active and passive patient warming is a more effective way to fight hypothermia.

Thermoflect’s passive warming approach is the right choice for shorter duration cases with minimal exposure. Nova’s active warming is designed to maintain normothermia during longer and more complex surgical procedures. Combined, Thermoflect and Nova maximize skin surface coverage and reduce exposure.

Thermoflect’s patented Heat Reflective Technology banks a patient’s radiant heat by capturing and reflecting that warmth back to the patient’s skin. It also helps prevent convective heat loss (windchill). Patients are covered with Thermoflect products preoperatively to pre-warm the skin. And to maintain normothermia, Thermoflect products stay with the patient throughout the perioperative journey. Thermoflect is easy to use – there are no wires or external heat sources, just proven reflective warming that starts working immediately. Thermoflect is available in a wide range of cost-effective products, including blankets, caps, patient gowns, pediatric products, and staff apparel.

The Nova system, building on Thermoflect’s proven technology, also banks a patient’s body heat before surgery, and, with its combination of passive and active warming, helps maintain normothermia throughout the surgical process. There’s no air movement, no excess environmental noise, and no complex moving parts. The Nova blanket is easy to apply, stays in place, and its control unit is intuitive and simple to operate. Plus, because the Nova blanket doesn’t emit excess heat, patients stay warm while clinicians remain cool during procedures.

Michelle Daniels concludes, “AORN supports both passive and active warming perioperatively to maintain normothermia. Encompass now has a fully comprehensive patient warming offering by combining the strategies of Thermoflect and Nova for every part of the perioperative journey.”



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